This project spawned a lot of great conversation amongst fans, the music biz, forward-thinkers, tech geeks, critics, and even the band. Below, you'll find links to some of sure to check out the comments and join in the discussion!
(audio download; an interview from the studio) HYPEBOT AMANDA PALMER'S BLOG (a response to Hypebot) TECHDIRT (a response to Hypebot) MASHABLE WFNX (an audio interview with Amanda pre-8in8) MASS HIGH TECH EXAMINER (an interview with Ben Folds post-8in8) SPIN THE BOSTON HERALD THE BOSTON PHOENIX pre-8in8 | post-8in8 THE HUFFINGTON POST NEIL GAIMAN'S BLOG (post-8in8 recording pre-Berklee show) AMANDA PALMER'S BLOG (post-8in8 recording pre-Berklee show) |